Blog Post 15/08/2020 - Our Crafty Community

This months blog post is all about our crafty community, and by ‘our’ we mean the Debs Wool Shop community.

In these difficult times, we are blessed to have an online presence, both to keep our followers up to date with new products and what we are up to, but also to see what you have been up to! Feel free to follow our Facebook Page (Debs Wool Shop) and/or sign up to our newsletters via the form at the bottom of this blog.

As a local yarn shop we pride ourselves on knowing the people we serve, we like to see what projects you have been making (be it from our yarn and patterns, or any other, we aren’t fussy!) and also to hear how you all are.


Our weekly knit and natter group has unfortunately been put on hold due to Covid-19 but as soon as we have the go ahead, we will be ready to welcome you all back with open arms (or elbow bumps as is the modern way now!). We can’t wait for the shop to look like this again…

For ease of reading, I’m going to make it known that it is Mandy writing this blog, so when I refer to Debbie, I don’t sound like I have lost the plot and am referring to myself in the third person!

Debbie has been busy, not only making sure that all you lovely people got your yarn fix during lockdown, but also knitting away, making some fab display items for the shop, and also keeping up with the long list of orders from lovely customers! Here are a few images of what she’s been up to!

As you can see, Debbie got bitten by the corner to corner crochet blanket bug during lockdown!

My makes are not nearly as impressive as Debbies. Most of you are aware that I have a small tribe of children at home, so time is certainly something that I have been lacking recently! I did manage to squeeze in a couple of little projects here and there though.

Now on to the fun bit! I put a shout out on our Facebook Page to all our wonderful followers, to share their makes with us! So the following photos are all down to you! Thank you for all your support during the current period and we look forward to seeing more great things from you all!

Samantha Winter